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  • ⚠️全仿真絲花及乾花製作,不是鮮花,請留意⚠️
  • 請先提前7天前預訂
  • 開張及恭賀坐枱花籃:以包括精美賀卡插在花籃上方,免基本運費。
  • 免基本運費
  • 注意:情人節,農曆新年,母親節此商品暫停供應,不便之處敬請原諒
  • ⚠️⚠️除了即日頁面內的款式,一般產品需要兩日前預訂,海外花材或特別染色花材需要更早時間預訂,如有疑問,請聯絡我們客戶服務

仿真絲花枱花 (絲花不是鮮花)(請先預訂)Silk Flower Arrangement STT-SIF-D

  • 請參考以下網址獲取詳情

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Flowers are shipped to Hong Kong by air every day! We will wait until the day before the order is shipped Purchase and process flowers to ensure that each bouquet of flowers is the freshest Statusdelivered to distinguished customers!

100% fresh

Rotary floral art technology

Can't find the vase to arrange flowers? No need Afraid! The bouquets we produce can stand because we know your needs! Sufficient water is reserved in each bouquet, which can last for at least two days!

Exquisite design and originality

Every one of us Each floral work is produced by our professional florists, and is gorgeous, realistic, beautiful and not artificial.

Value what you value most

The big day you value most, It is also what we value the most! Let us convey your feelings! All bouquets or gifts include a beautiful heartfelt card, so that when each bouquet of flowers is delivered to the other person, it will be filled with your thoughts!

pink roses bouquet
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