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Reception Table Flower

本店的花藝師擅用各種花的特性,運用巧手,創作出千變萬化的花藝作品,每次都能使你耳目一新~帶著好心情迎接每一天~月花、花藝擺設及蘭花。月花擺設每月4次,連續 3個月為您設計花藝擺設,月費低至 $1888!我們會按你的喜好及空間的大小,設計最適合你的座檯月花,為你的空間添上色彩!詳情請聯絡我們~
Monthly Flower Subscription Service, floral decoration and orchids. Monthly Flower Subscription Service is 4 times a month for at least 3 month continuously. Monthly fee as low as $ 1888! Please contact us for details



Monthly Flower Subscription Service, floral decoration and orchids. Monthly Flower Subscription Service is 4 times a month for at least 3 month continuously. Monthly fee as low as $ 1888! Please contact us for details

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